Thorsten Suckow-Homberg |
Software Developer & Trainer, * 1976, Aachen, Germany
Couven-Gymnasium, Aachen - Abitur1998-1999
University of Hamburg, Social and Economic History, Constitutional Law1999-2007
RWTH Aachen, Computer Science
German (native), English
- Software Developer since 2001
- Freelancing 2001 - 2013; JavaScript & PHP for semantics GmbH, substmedia, commworld, ASC AG, Aspera, Neuman & Esser Group, SMS GmbH, Refined Labs and others.
- Employments 2010-2012: Powerflasher, K&K
- since 2012: eyeworkers GmbH, Karlsruhe, Consultant & Trainer for JavaScript and Software Development
Full Stack Senior Developer eyeworkers GmbH, Karlsruhe
- hold multi-day JavaScript / Software Design training courses for teams from various industries: Financial, Communication, Insurance, Health, Manufacturing, Defense. Company sizes ranging from medium-sized to Fortune 500
- programmed and designed * a mobile application for a federal state's hunting association; iOS, Android, React Native
- planning and organizing a JavaScript conference in Germany. Responsible for program and speakers
- workshops and consultancy for migrating a large SPA to a Micro Frontend based architecture, with the previous SPA becoming part of a web-shell that integrates React, Angular and Vanilla-JS with the help of Webpack Module Federation
- integrated Microsoft PowerBI tools into various Frontend Systems
- programmed a mult-licensed virtual scrolling grid for Ext JS 3 that is still used in large companies' systems all over the world
Java, PHP, JavaScript, node.js, Python, Sencha Ext JS, React, React Native, Angular, Zend Framework, Laravel, Symfony, JUnit, Siesta, Jest, PHPUnit, HTML, CSS, SASS, SQL, Git, SVN, Docker, DDEV, npm, composer
Adobe Premiere Pro, GIMP, PHPStorm, VisualStudio, Office, Ubuntu, Window, GitHub, Gitlab, Android, iOS, expo, UI/UX
Agile, SCRUM, XP, Domain Driven Design
Software Architecture, Theoretical Informatics (Function Abstractions, Type Theory), Astrophysics, Theory of Relativity
Open Source Projects
- Role: Creator
- Stack: JavaScript, Ext JS, node.js, Siesta
- build a feature rich JavaScript Email-Client frontend
- design the system and the frontend architecture
- design the UI and provide interface for pluggable themes
- utilize a formalized API for backend communication
- provide plugin interfaces and well documented integration points for easily extending the software
- Role: Creator
- Stack: JavaScript, Ext JS, node.js, Siesta
- create npm ecosystem for extensions for the Sencha Ext JS framework to utilize modern application building paradigms, such as Dependency Injection, parametrization, plugin-based architecture
- create software development tools that help with building, maintaining and testing such applications, e.g. provide tools for additional transpiling so that modern ECMA Script can be used with Ext JS projects
- provide a toolset for re-usable components and core-library elements often used with such projects
- Role: Creator
- Stack: OpenAPI, JSON:API,
- create a formalized API used with middleware for IMAP services
- Role: Creator
- Stack: JSON:API
- create an extension for JSON:API to exclude particular fields with a request
lumen-app-email / php-lib-conjoon
- Role: Creator
- Stack: PHP, Laravel/Lumen, PHPUnit, JSON:API, Horde
- create a Laravel/Lumen application as reference implementation for a streamlined API service that allows for connecting to arbitrary IMAP servers for message and mailbox operations
Publications (german language)
PHP Magazin 01.2002, Software & Support Media GmbH
Objektorientierte Programmierung mit PHPPHP Magazin 05.2011, Software & Support Media GmbH
Das conjoon Open Source ProjektPHP Magazin 04.2012, Software & Support Media GmbH
Zeitzonenunterstützung in PHPEine Einführung in mathematische Modelle der biologischen Nervenzelle als Bausteine künstlicher neuronaler Netze und deren Anwendung im Gesundheitswesen
(Teil der Zulassungsarbeit der Eignungsprüfung M.C.Sc. Hoschschule Trier (Download pdf))
Book Reviews
Loaine Groner; Packt Publishing, 2015
Mastering Ext JS
Webcon 2012, Aachen
Mobile Development mit Sencha TouchWebcon 2013, Aachen
Einführung in Ext JS 4 | JavaScript - the Good, the Bad and the UglySource DevCon 2011, Split, Croatia
Zend Framework MVC driven ExtJSModUX 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Practices and Obstacles in Agile DevelopmentSencha Community Days 2019, Karlsruhe, Germany
Package Agnostic Architecture with ExtJS (Workshop)Sencha Days 2022, Munich, Germany
Frontend Architecture: Micro FrontendsRegular guest speaker for Sencha community events (Virtual Sencha Con, Sencha Days)
- * "design" relates to the design of the software system and the architecture, not the UI, except where otherwise noted.