A collection of articles about software development.
Some of them where originally published over at
📄️ On Software Craftsmanship
Reflecting on the role and meaning of software development as **craftsmanship**.
📄️ Approaching Contracted Events for Micro Frontend Communication
Non-breaking events for displaying information in distributed Frontend Fragments
📄️ Accessor Automation with PHP Attributes
Getters and Guarded Setters Automation with PHP attributes
🗃️ The Payroll System
1 items
📄️ Dependency Injection in JavaScript
Implementing Constructor Injection with the help of JavaScript Proxies.
📄️ Ext JS - Beyond ES5
Use latest ECMA Script versions with Sencha Ext JS
📄️ Using PHP enums as method calls
Dynamically mapping method calls to existing typed values.
📄️ Downloadable Assets with GitHub Actions
Pack and publish your releases with GitHub Actions
🗃️ Creating ExtJS applications with coon.js
4 items
📄️ JavaScript Promises — Return Values and Error Handlers
Handling Errors and return values with JavaScript Promises
📄️ Fluent Interface for JavaScript Promises
Use JavaScript Proxies to create fluent interfaces for Promises
📄️ PHP, default time zones and DST
Preparing your PHP Application to support different time zones