Dependency-Inversion Principle (Software Design)
The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) is a principle in Agile Software Development that helps with decoupling dependencies.
"a. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
b. Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions." [📖asd, p. 127]
The Dependency Inversion Principle is one of the SOLID-principles.
DIP suggests that high-level modules should not depend on implementation details of low-level modules. Instead, Clients provide interfaces representing contracts Servers need to implement so the Client can use their work.
In the following example, EmployeeRepository is responsible for fetching the data out of an underlying data storage.
Here, EmployeeRepository is the Client in the high-level module.
The naive approach is to hardwire the Server - the DBConnection-class - with the EmployeeRepository's
-method. This not only creates unwanted coupling, it also exposes the infrastructure
to a layer in the software system that should not be aware of such details.
class EmployeeRepository
public function fetchEmployee(int $id): array
$db = new DBConnection($this->user, $this->password);
$row = $db->query("SELECT * FROM employee WHERE id=$id");
return $row;
The coupling between EmployeeRepository and DBConnection now necessitate that every change to the underlying infrastructure leaks into EmployeeRepository. This effectively violates the DIP Principle and several other SOLID-principles.
To apply the DIP to the given example, the Client needs to provide a contract for the Server: The server's responsibility now is to comply to the interface by implementing it.
"The lower-level modules provide the implementation for interfaces that are declared within, and called by, the upper level modules." [📖ASD, p. 129]

class EmployeeRepository
public function __construct(EmployeeTableGateway $gateway)
$this->gateway = $gateway;
public function fetchEmployee(int $id): array
return $this->gateway->getEmployeeData($id);
interface EmployeeTableGateway()
public function getEmployeeData(int $id);
class DBConnection implements EmployeeTableGateway
public function getEmployeeData(int $id)
$row = $this->query("SELECT * FROM employee WHERE id=$id");
return $row;
Changes made to DBConnection in the infrastructure layer don't affect the EmployeeRepository now. Additionally, EmployeeRepository can be reused with any Server that conforms to the EmployeeTableGateway-interface.
In the example above, the Client is unaware of the specific of EmployeeTableGateway. This information is provided by configuring the Client with an instance of this type. This instance can be determined during runtime, or during compile-time. DIP is often realized with the help of Dependency Injection.
"The modules that contain the high-level business rules should take precedence over, and be independent of, the modules that contain the implementation details." [📖ASD, p. 128]